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The Christian Preschool Association offers a place for our members and other churches to place classifieds for Preschool staff openings.
We reserve the right to review content of classifieds and deny the request if deemed inappropriate for our site.
Director of First Church Preschool – FUMC Coral Springs Position Summary The Director of the Preschool will be responsible for: Overseeing that all First Church Coral Springs (FCCS) Preschool’s programs are conducted within the policies, procedures and guidelines as established by the: Preschool Committee. This position will ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations regarding the running of the Preschool. Managing the daily operations of the Preschool. Selecting Preschool non-senior staff, curriculum, and all tuition-based programs in coordination with the Preschool Committee and First Church Executive Leadership. Managing the weekday interaction with the preschool during the school year, after-school programs, and Camp. JD-for-Director-of-Preschool | Director of Child Development Center Location: St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Orlando, FL Position Type: Full-Time (40+ hours per week) FLSA Status: Professional, Exempt Reports to: Executive Director of Administration Primary Job Description: St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is seeking a dedicated and experienced Director for our Child Development Center (CDC). The Director will work closely with the Executive Director of Administration and the CDC Leadership Team to nurture the spiritual and educational growth of preschool children. This position involves providing leadership, strategic direction, and support to the CDC Leadership Team and its ministry teams, with a focus on transitioning to full-time programming to better serve our community. SLUMC-CDC-Director |